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Integration FAQs
Shipping and handling charges should be treated as their own distinct products and line items. Before you begin selling, we recommend you create at least one designated shipping product. Some customers will choose to track multiple shipping SKUs (expedited vs standard, for example), but when creating the shipping SKU, make sure to categorize it as SHIPPING
When it’s time to calculate taxes, you can pass in the shipping costs just as another line item to the tax/calculations
endpoint. Use these links to find more info about our product categories, creating products, and calculating taxes.
Numeral will keep track of all your registrations and nexus - you can view the current status on the Nexus page of your Numeral dashboard.
If you haven’t yet crossed nexus in a state or are still in the registration process, Numeral won’t suggest tax rates to collect when you hit the tax/calculations
endpoint. Instead, the tax_jurisdictions component of your response will look like this:
"tax_jurisdictions": [
"tax_rate": 0.00,
"jurisdiction_name": "State"
As soon as the registration is complete, we’ll automatically adjust your jurisdiction setting to note that you are collecting tax. From there, we’ll return the tax information in full.
Note, that even if you aren’t collecting tax in a state, it’s especially important to send all transactions over via the tax/transactions
endpoint so we can keep track of when you do cross nexus and can kick off your registration.
Numeral will automatically monitor your nexus and alert you when you cross the threshold. As soon as you cross the threshold in a particular state, we’ll kick off a registration for you to make sure that you remain compliant.