Products are the items/SKUs that you sell. Registering them with Numeral ensures accurate, category-specific tax collection and reporting.

When to create Products

When you upload a product to Numeral, you’ll also upload a product category. Then, when you request tax information via a calculation, you’ll only need to share the product_id - we’ll remember what category your product is and return the right tax info. This means you don’t need to keep track of any tax category information on your side.

How to create Products

Reference Product ID

This id is used to uniquely identify this product. We recommend to use the same product ID you use in your own product management system to enable simple reconciliation and record keeping. This will be the id that you use when you reference this product on a line item within a calculation.

Product Category

The product category is used to determine which tax rate to apply to this product. You can assign any of the categories in our Product Tax Categories list.

Reference Product name

This value, while not critical for determining taxes, is used to display this product in all reporting and reconciliation dashboards. This can be helpful for verifying transactions.

Here’s a sample product creation request:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "reference_product_id": "p-123456789",
  "reference_product_name": "Red Shoes",
  "product_category": "CLOTHING_GENERAL"

Further documentation

The full documentation for creating products is on this page.